Recycling systems around the world have been thrown into chaos following China’s 2018 ban on the import of plastic waste. However, what has arguably created a global waste crisis can also be seen as an opportunity to re-invent inefficient or ineffective systems that generate unhandled waste streams, with the potential to advance society toward broader goals of waste reduction.
***This MIT CTL Roundtable is exclusively for members of the MIT CTL Supply Chain Exchange and invited guests. If you are not a member of the Exchange and are interested in attending this roundtable as a potential SCE member, please contact
Companies from every sector face this challenge, creating a unique opportunity to create shared, collaborative solutions that rethink what it means to reduce, reuse, and recycle in the context of Industry 4.0 and the Sustainable Development Goals. In this dynamic roundtable, we invite industry professionals to come together under Chatham House rules to discuss the emerging imperatives and ongoing opportunities to implement strategies and tools to move from classic linear supply chains to circular supply chains. Circular supply chain management has been defined as the integration of circular thinking into the management of the supply chain. Circular supply chains seek work toward a zero-waste vision through system-wide innovation in business models and supply chain functions from product/service design to end-of-life and waste management, involving all relevant stakeholders.
To explore the issues surrounding circular supply chain management, this roundtable will be divided into five segments: managing product end of life, business and government ecosystem, the role of e-commerce, solutions brainstorming, and the future of circular supply chains. For each segment, a roundtable facilitator will bring insights and learnings from active work in this area to inspire discussion from all participants. Participants will walk away with ideas and inspiration for embedding circular approaches in their supply chains.
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